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We are happy to join this conference, we made new friendships through networking opportunities, definitely will join next time.
It was an amazing experience being here with such an inspiring group of womens all over the world, i want to congratulate the organizers for organizing this event and wish him to organize many many successful events in the future.
Heinz Wilhelm Siesler is a Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, with expertise in vibrational spectroscopy in combination with chemometric data evaluation for chemical research, analysis and process control. He has 240+ publications (4 monographs) and presented more than 300 lectures worldwide. Since 2012 he is a Fellow of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy and received several awards (1994 EAS NIR Award, 2000 Tomas Hirschfeld PITTCON NIR Award, and 2003 Buechi NIR Award). Prior to his academic position he gained industrial experience as section head in molecular spectroscopy and thermal analysis in the R&D Department of Bayer AG, Germany. He also worked as lecturer (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa) and Post-Doc (University of Cologne, Germany), after receiving his PhD in Chemistry (University of Vienna, Austria). The test and application of miniaturized handheld vibrational spectrometers is a special research focus over the last ten years.