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We are happy to join this conference, we made new friendships through networking opportunities, definitely will join next time.
It was an amazing experience being here with such an inspiring group of womens all over the world, i want to congratulate the organizers for organizing this event and wish him to organize many many successful events in the future.
The Universal Journal of Lasers, Optics, Photonics & Sensors (UJLOPS) publish articles on all subjects within the following areas:
Biomedical and Therapeutic Laser, Fiber Lasers and Applications | High Intensity Lasers & High Field Phenomena
Laser Spectroscopy and Microscopy imaging | Plasma Technologies | Quantum Electronics and Laser Science
Quantum Information & Measurement, Semiconductor Lasers & LEDs | Supercontinuum Lasers, Tunable Lasers, OPO Lasers
Single Photon Sources for Quantum Effects | Structure OAM Lasers Beams, Ultrafast Picosecond/Femtosecond/Attosecond lasers
Adaptive Optics | Applied Industrial Optics | Biomedical Optics spectroscopy & imaging Computational Optical Sensing & Imaging
Fiber Optics Technology | Tractor beams and nano-rotators | Light-Matter Interaction | Optical Communications |
Networking Optical Instrumentation | Optical Materials & Devices | Optics in Astronomy & Astrophysics Spectroscopy, Imaging & Metrology, Polarization States, Polarizers & Wave Plates, Q plates & Spatial Light Modulators (SLM) | Local & Nonlocal Photon beams | 2PEF & 3 PEF microscope imaging | Light propagation in scattering media |Correlation for Quantum Entanglement
| Resonance Raman spectroscopy | Stimulated Raman Gain /Loss imaging, Optical spectroscopy | Fluorescence, Raman, Absorption
Special Function optical beams – Bessel, Laguerre Gaussian, Airy & Hermite optical beams | Nonlinear Crystals & Optics, SHG, THG, SRS, 4 Wave Mixing | Windows in NIR & SWIR Spectral Regimes for Transmission | Complex & Structure Light of Spin Angular Momentum (SAM) & Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM ) Beams
Photonic and Optoelectronic Materials and Devices | Fiber Optics Devices| Microwave Photonics | Molecular Photophysics and Spectroscopy | Microphotonics, Nanophotonics & Optical Manipulation | Nonlinear Optics and Photonics | Organic and Bio-Photonics, Photodetectors, Sensors and Imaging | Photonic and Optoelectronic Materials & Devices | Photonics for Enegy & Green Photonics | Plasmonic Structures & Quantum Dots | Silicon like Ge Si detector & Laser devices | Cell phone with diagnostic capability | Compact smart spectral photon & imagers
Quantum effect and entangled photons | Ultrafast Phenomena, Attosecond Science & Technology | Compact Photonic & Optoelectronic Materials & Devices
Optical Biosensors | Semiconductor Gas Sensors | Opto-Mechanical Fiber Optic Sensors Computational Optical Sensing & Imaging | Applied Industrial Spectroscopy | Optics & Photonics for Sensing the Environment | Smart Sensors | Sensors and Actuators
RFID & Wireless Sensors using Ultra-Wideband Technology | Biosensors and Bioelectronics | Printed Films
Gas Sensors Based on Conducting Metal Oxides| Mobile Sensors | Molecular Sensors & Nanodevices | Nano Optoelectronic Sensors and Devices | Nanomaterials for Biosensors | Photo Acoustics Sensing, Detection & Imaging | Metabolism Detection for Lipids & Protein | Compact PMT, Avalanche & Pin Diodes | Photodetectors in UV, Visible , NIR, SWIR &MIR | Optofluidics, Sensors & Actuators in Microstructured Optical Fibers | Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Flexible Technologies
Computational Biophotonics | Microscopic Tissue Imaging | Tissue Spectroscopy | Fundamental Light–Tissue Interactions: Light Scattering and Absorption | Recent Trends in clinical diagnostics and therapies