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We are happy to join this conference, we made new friendships through networking opportunities, definitely will join next time.
It was an amazing experience being here with such an inspiring group of womens all over the world, i want to congratulate the organizers for organizing this event and wish him to organize many many successful events in the future.
The Universal Journal of Lasers, Optics, and Photonics & Sensors (UJLOPS) is a "not for profit", Open Access journal from EText. UJLOPS focuses in Lasers, Optics, Photonics, Sensors BioPhotonics and all relevant sub-topics to publish high-valued research in the Journal.
Lasers, Optics, Photonics & Sensors are vital areas of research in Physics and also providing service and major source of innovation in Science, Technology, Defense, Air force etc. UJLOPS deals with the trending research areas and groundbreaking work in various relevant fields and put them forward to the scientific community to harness the latest research in the respective fields.
EText publisher is a new age Open Access publishing platform, which makes research conveniently accessible to everyone. EText is established in order to provide reliable, trustworthy and efficient publishing that can impact the scientific world. Our advanced peer-review process makes it easy for authors to publish with quality in a short time. It is our aim to bring quality research content, a global outreach through Open Access.
Infinity Long Term Care Consulting | W:
The Florida Poison Information Center Tampa- FPICT | W:
Canadian Academy of Sciences of the Canadian Education Agency Inc. Canada
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Medical Arrow | W:
Medvoyage Tourism & Education | W:
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Course for Doctors | W:
Medgate Today Magazine | W:
L. J. Olafsen, Baylor University, United States
Volume - 1, Issue - 3
William (Doc A) Arrasmith, Florida Institute of Technology, United States
Volume - 1, Issue - 2
Everett Coots, Florida Institute of Technology, United States
Volume - 1, Issue - 2
T. Coon, Florida Institute of Technology, United States
Volume - 1, Issue - 2
Erlin He, Florida Institute of Technology, United States
Volume - 1, Issue - 2
Yang Xin, Florida Institute of Technology, United States
Volume - 1, Issue - 2
C. Shirpurkar 1*, R. Bustos-Ramirez 1, P.J. Delfyett 1**
CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida, United States
Volume - 1, Issue - 1
E. Suhir 1, 2, 3, J. M. Salotti 4, 5, J. Nicolics 2
1 Portland State University, USA
2 Technical University, Austria
3 ERS Co., USA
4 Bordeaux University, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, France
Volume - 1, Issue - 1
Niloy K. Dutta, University of Connecticut, United States
Volume - 1, Issue - 3
Zenghu Chang
Volume - 4, Issue - 1
Volume - 1, Issue - 3
Alexander G. Ramm
Volume - 2, Issue - 1
Volume - 4, Issue - 1
Mustafa Kansiz
Volume - 4, Issue - 0
Travis J. A. Craddock
Volume - 4, Issue - 1
Xueding Wang
Volume - 4, Issue - 1
Yannis Paulus
Volume - 4, Issue - 1